Full Body
Classes to challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, and develop control and endurance for the entire body.
JUST RELEASED: Theraband Resistance w/Sam L.
PROPS NEEDED: A blue or any medium weight resistance band.
This class will focus on building strength through resistance exercises for the entire body. This video can be paired with any other building-block focused videos. Taught by Sam Lore. -
72. The Whole Practice w/Catherine E.
45. The Whole Practice w/Brendan D.
A Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Catherine Ekeleme. -
72. Build Your Fort: Flexion & Extension w/Ashley R.
Show your joints some love while strengthening and mobilizing your entire body. This class can be paired with any of our other building block focused classes.
Taught By Ashley Richmond. -
75. Build Your Fort: Glider Class w/Ashley R.
PROPS NEEDED: A set of gliders or a pair of socks or hand towels, and a wood/tile/cement floor.
This class will use gliders to help build strength and stability for the entire body. This video can be paired with any other building-block focused videos. Taught by Ashley Richmond. -
73. Build Your Fort: Magic Circle w/Ashley A.
PROPS NEEDED: Magic Circle.
Using the magic circle this class will challenge your core stability and build strength for the the entire body through resistance, control and balance. This video can be paired with any other building-block classes. Taught by Ashley Ayers. -
71. Build Your Fort: Advanced Flow w/Molly G.
PROPS NEEDED: Sad/squishy ball.
Challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Molly Gray. -
69. Build Your Fort: Overball w/Molly G.
PROPS NEEDED: Overball (squishy ball).
Ab focused mat class to effectively access and challenge core stability. This class can be paired with any of our other building block focused classes.
Taught by Molly Gray. -
05. Yoga w/Katharine S.
PROPS: yoga block
Expand and supplement your pilates practice with yoga! Lengthen, release, and realign.
Taught by Katharine Still -
03. Build Your Fort - Theraband w/Graziella M.
PROPS NEEDED: A blue or any medium weight resistance band.
This class will focus on building strength through resistance exercises for the entire body. This video can be paired with any other building-block focused videos. Taught by Graziella Murdocca. -
64. Build Your Fort: Gentle HIIT Class w/Brendan D.
Join Brendan for a gentle version of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Pilates. Move, breath, and sweat into the New Year. No props or experience necessary.
Taught by Brendan Drake -
63. Build Your Fort: Move + Breathe w/Natalie G.
Get moving and build strength. This class can be paired with any of our other building block focused classes.
Taught by Natalie Green. -
45. The Whole Practice w/Brendan D.
A Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Brendan Drake.
44. The Whole Practice w/Sofia E.
A Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body.
Taught by Sofia Engelman -
43. The Whole Practice w/Darcie V.
A Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Darcie Virtue.
42. The Whole Practice - MINI - w/Ariana
A MINI Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Ariana Speight.
01. Yoga w/Katharine S.
PROPS: yoga blocks, strap, blanket
Expand and supplement your pilates practice with yoga! Lengthen, release, and realign - this particular class is taught with our Desk Warriors in mind...
Brought to you by Katharine Still. -
41.The Whole Practice w/Graziella M.
A Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Graziella Murdocca.
40. The Whole Practice w/Graziella M - MINI
A MINI Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Graziella Murdocca.
39. The Whole Practice w/Graziella M.
A Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Graziella Murdocca.
38. The Whole Practice w/Julia L.
A Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Julia Larcenaire.
37. The Whole Practice w/Hannah K.
A Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Hannah Kearney.
36. The Whole Practice w/Sam L. - MINI
A MINI Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Sam Lore.
35. The Whole Practice w/Ashley R. - MINI
A MINI Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Ashley Richmond.
34.The Whole Practice w/Ashley A.
A Fort Pilates classic mat class that will challenge core stability, improve flexibility, build strength, develop control and endurance for the entire body. Taught by Ashely Ayers.